Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Armed with a sandwich

Okay, I couldn't help but comment on this tidbit of weird news from the AP. A man in Port St. Lucie (about 120 miles up the coast from Miami), attacked his girlfriend with a sandwhich while she was driving, knocking off her glasses, and almost making her lose control of the vehicle. The article concludes, "Police haven't said what type of sandwich was involved." (which is the funniest line in the article).

That left me considering what a professor told me the other day, that South Florida is full of nuts, and not just the edible kind. Like Harlan Pepper from "Best in Show", I could sit around and name nuts all day around here.

And another thing, you'd think with the inflation of food prices, this guy would be more mindful of his chow. Why use a good sandwhich toward a violent end? I find when enraged in the car, hitting the dashboard is a satisfactory outlet (just kidding of course, I never, never lose my temper--wink, wink).

In all seriousness though, it's a good thing that no one was hurt, and domestic violence is no laughing matter. Shame on this guy for hitting his girlfriend, period.

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